Timetabling/Scheduling Programs
- FET is a probabilistic program for automatically generating the timetable of a school, high-school or university from Liviu Lalescu and stands under the GPL. Development happens in C++ and Qt4, so it is platform independend.
- Tablix (GPL) is a powerful free software kernel, implementing a parallel genetic algorithm. Development is in C. OS is Linux. It uses Pvm3. Where G-Tablix provides the graphical user interface.
- Open Course Timetabler (GPL) is an open source application for university and school course timetabling. It is written in C# (only windows for now).
- SchoolTool is a project to develop a common global school administration infrastructure that is freely available under an Open Source license (mainly GPL). SchoolTool encompasses three sub-projects: SchoolTool Calendar and SchoolBell, SchoolTool student information system and CanDo
- OpenAdmin is a web based School Administration Program (GPL).
- Genetic Algorithm Utility Library is a flexible programming library designed to aid in the development of applications that use genetic or evolutionary algorithms. It provides data structures and functions for handling and manipulating the data required for serial and parallel evolutionary algorithms. You can find there a lots of interesting links, too.
- List of timetable software: commercial, free and the listed opensource above.
Timetabling Stuff
Genetic Algorithm Related Stuff