I will add here some words and the short paper after the deadline of the
- IPerson is a student
- IRoom is a room
- In the documentation 'timeAtom' has the same meaning as timeslot. A timeslot is a static position in the timetable and you can give it a number.
- A ITimeInterval is more an event (from ITC they use class, too): it can change the position in the timetable and its room. The position in the timetable is the startTime. Additionally you can have a duration.
- ISubject has no equivalent to one data structured mentioned in the ITC. This class covers the fact that a person chooses subjects, and this choice is static (we cannot optimize this ). But an ISubject can have one or more ITimeInterval's, they can change their positions and their rooms while optimization.
- IPerson collision
- IRoom collision
- IRoom size and satisfaction of IFeatures of ISubject's
- IRaster of all ISubject's is not violated
- Order of an ITimeInterval to another ITimeInterval is correct
- end of a day is bad
- more than two hours is bad
- only one ITimeInterval a day is bad
On pcMy (my pc at home) we have ca. 11 minutes to run the algorithm for the ITC. (AMD 1600XP on Suse Linux 10.1 with 512MB RAM)