This version is available only as
preview. That means there are a lot of limitations, which will not fixed in this version:
- Sometimes the application can block. This occurs while selecting a lot of e.g. persons. If you do this fast enough multiple threads can access one object. This is a design issue, but should be okay if you wait between selections.
- Import of textfiles is very slow. Sometimes it can even fail.
- No support for sql databases.
- Viewer's cannot handle overlapping TimeIntervals.
Hopefully they will be fixed in 0.1.
0.1 Milestone 1
- Better name
- Import/Export needed formats, how the user could define its own importer easily??
- ITC ideas
- Genetic Algo: 1. automatic parameter adjustment, 2. more efficient recombination, 3. Tabu Search as helper
- Deadlock problem
0.1 Milestone 2
- Import / Export FET + others?
- JPA (Cayenne 3)
- possibility to work without a db - only save+load
here for the very current task or in the following table for the bigger tasks:
- make GA faster
- implement more algorithms
- make cayenne layer working
- make mysql working with the cayenne layer OR create a new subfolder in de.gstpl.data and implement GDB + I?????.java
- import/export 'ExamTimetableEvaluation' datasets into any database
- import/export FET files
- make it possible to store the result or only parts from timetabling in a separate database. make it possible to load from this or only parts. (db4o or cayenne)
GUI to view the timetable
- implement a 'grid' with java2d: x axis is day/week, y axis is hour of the day or days of the week. Or use JGraph for this task. The result should like like calendar of the zimbra suite, which is not for the desktop.
- different views: weekly, monthly etc.
- manage overlapping timeslots
- different modes: view, print (shrink to a minimum!), export to html, manage small TimeIntervals in printmode (in view too)
- drag and drop to change starttime and duration
- red should indicate a conflict
- different (?) viewers for: person, subject, room (blue should indicate: too many visitors) and timeinterval. And 'MergeViewer': merging of any timetables to view the timeslots of these timetables.
- CTRL+Click on a entry e.g. on a subject of a person, will let you go to timetable of that entry, e.g. the timetable of that subject.
- separate from gstpl, so that this 'timetable viewer' can be used from any other program as a library.
- good visual design is not a requirement!
- switch from flexdock to mydoggy
1. Done
- write user documentation: installation, creating datasets, importing datasets, timetabling, printing results, ?
- does it work on lin + win + mac?
- write comments in source code
Test GUI and Database.
- write junit tests for GUI with abbot and with
- find and resolve bugs
- use findbugs, pmd and checkstyle